.. _developing: Contributing to Tron ==================== Tron is an open source project and welcomes contributions from the community. The source and issue tracker are hosted on github at http://github.com/yelp/Tron. Setting Up an Environment ------------------------- Tron works well with `virtualenv `_, which can be setup using `virtualenvwrapper `_:: $ mkvirtualenv tron --distribute --no-site-packages $ pip install -r dev/req_dev.txt ``req_dev.txt`` contains a list of packages required for development, including: `Testify `_ to run the tests and `Sphinx `_ to build the documentation. Coding Standards ---------------- All code should be `PEP8 `_ compliant, and should pass pyflakes without warnings. All new code should include full test coverage, and bug fixes should include a test which reproduces the reported issue. This documentation must also be kept up to date with any changes in functionality. Running Tron in a Sandbox ------------------------- The source package includes a development logging.conf and a sample configuration file with a few test cases. To run a development intsance of Tron create a working directory and start :command:`trond` using the following:: $ make dev Running the Tests ----------------- Tron uses the `Testify `_ unit testing framework. Run the tests using ``make tests`` or ``testify tests``. If you're using a virtualenv you may want to run ``python `which testify` test`` to have it use the correct environment. This package also includes a ``.pyautotest`` file which can be used with https://github.com/dnephin/PyAutoTest to auto run tests when you save a file. Contributing ------------ There should be a github issue created prior to all pull requests. Pull requests should be made to the ``Yelp:development`` branch, and should include additions to ``CHANGES.txt`` which describe what has changed.