.. _built_in_cc: Built-In Command Context Variables ================================== Tron includes some built in command context variables that can be used in command configuration. **shortdate** Run date in ``YYYY-MM-DD`` format. Supports simple arithmetic of the form ``%(shortdate+6)s`` which returns a date 6 days in the future, ``%(shortdate-2)s`` which returns a date 2 days before the run date. **year** Current year in ``YYYY`` format. Supports the same arithmetic operations as `shortdate`. For example, ``%(year-1)s`` would return the year previous to the run date. **month** Current month in `MM` format. Supports the same arithmetic operations as `shortdate`. For example, ``%(month+2)s`` would return 2 months in the future. **day** Current day in `DD` format. Supports the same arithmetic operations as `shortdate`. For example, ``%(day+1)s`` would return the day after the run date. **hour** Current hour in `HH` (0-23) format. Supports the same arithmetic operations as `shortdate`. For example, ``%(hour+1)s`` would return the hour after the run hour (mod 24). **unixtime** Current timestamp. Supports addition and subtraction of seconds. For example ``%(unixtime+20)s`` would return the timestamp 20 seconds after the jobs runtime. **daynumber** Current day number as an ordinal (datetime.toordinal()). Supports addition and subtraction of days. For example ``%(daynumber-3)s`` would be 3 days before the run date. **name** Name of the job **node** Hostname of the node the action is being run on Context variables only available to Jobs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ **runid** Run ID of the job run (e.g. ``sample_job.23``) **actionnname** The name of the action **cleanup_job_status** ``SUCCESS`` if all actions have succeeded when the cleanup action runs, ``FAILURE`` otherwise. ``UNKNOWN`` if used in an action other than the cleanup action. **last_success** The last successful run date (defaults to current date if there was no previous successful run). Supports date arithmetic using the form ``%(last_success:shortdate-1)s``.